Quality Policy
The company’s quality policy expresses the principles and the beliefs of the management regarding quality and constitutes the general guidelines for quality management. These guidelines are the basis of planning and quality control and the actions of the involved bodies, as well as the reference base for the communication between the different levels of the management, in terms of quality.
Quality policy is mainly influenced by costumer requirements, market conditions and competition, as well as other factors related to the business position of the company.
The quality policy is reviewed every year as described in detail in the quality process ΔΙ.1.02 “Quality System Reviews”.
Policy changes can be decided when newer conditions are formed in some of the above factors.
The quality of the company’s services is oriented towards the satisfaction of the high demands of our customers.
Each member of Smaltolin S.A. is committed to the continuous and persistent work aiming at meeting these requirements.
This commitment is also the necessary precondition for the long – term maintenance of our company’s competitiveness, the guarantee of the future and the creation of new jobs.
Regardless of the circumstances, the basic quality policy on which all of company’s operations are based is:
- The implementation of a long-term strategy to improve the quality of our services with the aim of satisfying the expectations of our customers, thus ensuring the development of our company.
- Ensuring the certainty that quality is an integral component of the company’s
- Promoting the administrative capacity of our executives at all levels by assisting the efforts of our employees to improve the quality of their work.
- The promotion of the cooperation of the employees in all the sectors of the company with the aim of the timely recognition of all the problems and the prevention of their negative consequences .
- The heads of all departments should agree with the stuff on the implementation of long-term goals, documenting good practice and providing the necessary resources.
- The motivation of all employees of the company to make it widely understood that the success of the Quality Management System can be achieved only with seamless cooperation.
- The continuous improvement of company’s processes and procedures in all areas in order to ensure and improve quality and productivity.
- The continuous collection and management of information by customers with the objective of fully understanding and meeting their requirements.
- Active cooperation with the suppliers, based on mutual trust and confidentiality in order to ensure that their materials and services are in line with our requirements, with quality and cost-effectiveness as the main components.
- The provision of modern and practical training as well as the application of problem-solving techniques for the company’s staff.
- The development and implementation of a Quality Management System according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
- Establishing, implementing and reviewing appropriate quality objectives.
The quality policy is implemented and understood at all levels of the organization through clear procedures and work instructions, which, together with the Quality Manual, constitute the documentation of the Quality System.